Saturday 12 August 2017

Why I Do Not Support Biafra – Charly Boy


I am angry because I am a frustrated Nigerian, because people like me, you and millions of Nigerians could be doing much better than we are doing presently if only we had an enabling environment. I was born in the early 50s when there were so many prospects in this country; when premium was placed on value, honesty, integrity and love for country. 
My dear country has gone to the dogs. The giant of Africa has become the laughing stock of the rest of the world. How did we get here? How and why did we allow this rot to consume a once-upon-a-time beautiful country, which had so many prospects? ‘Our Mumu Never Do!’
Where are the few good men and women who have been keeping quiet in the face of this kind of evil? Imagine the frustration, the poverty, the joblessness, the hopelessness in a country that can offer its people so much more, but have given nothing, but pain, misery and so much disunity among its people. Yes, I am angry.
My country, Nigeria is terminally ill from decades of misrule, impunity by vile sorcerers, ignorant drunken politicians, terrorist in Agbada brutalising the poor masses, and riff-raffs who are prepared to drag the nation down into the pit. Yes, I am mad as hell. Na like dis we go dey go
Now I hear irresponsible sounds and provocative utterances filling the air. Burning up hate messages, tension rising, poverty ravaging, consumed by anger, beefing and hatred everywhere. Social media is filled with ultimatums, deadlines and fake news propagating the Old Testament message of an eye-for-an-eye that will soon leave all of us blind.
There comes a time in the history of a suffering people when the status quo that has eternally failed can no longer be sustained, when the hungry, angry, vexed, and frustrated are bonded in a coalition to reclaim a country seeking a new direction and a new path.
When political leadership has failed from generation to generation, as is the case with Nigeria, and the docility of the populace is almost a norm, the emancipation of the mind from mental slavery becomes an eternal battle for which fighting becomes Godly.
#OurMumuDonDo is a clarion call to all Nigerians to stand and fight. No politician will fight for the interest of the Nigerian people. It is impossible. It is a call to engage, to protest and occupy all arms of government until good governance is seen and felt by the people. It is a call to reawaken the Spartan spirit of the labour unionism of old in the youths.
This is a call driven by nationalism and ‘Nigerianisation’. #OurMumuDonDo is a movement of the people by the people for the people. This is the genuine democratic and nationalistic movement.
On the Biafra agitation, Charly Boy said, “No man deserves to be ill treated in his fatherland the way Nnamdi Kanu was treated. That was why I joined in the call for his release at that time. I am for equal rights and justice. Advocating for the ‘okada’ community doesn’t make me an ‘okada’ rider.
Advocating for gay rights doesn’t make me gay. So, agitating for Nnamdi’s release doesn’t make me a Biafra supporterBiafra for me is a mindset. If there was no great injustice in the land, there would be no call for Biafra.
Sometime in January 2017, I wrote my thoughts on the Biafra agitation and how I donot consider it a feasible adventure; especially when there are so many important things my Igbo kinsmen can alternatively dedicate their lives to. I titled the article ‘The illusion called Biafra’. Those who have not read it should do so. What I stated therein will always be my stance on Biafra.
Unfortunately, the dreams of nationhood are lost on the altar of deception. My Igbo brothers must be circumspect on the fact and history and should not be hoodwinked into some insane propaganda that will only lead to more wahala. So, instead ofBiafra, we should channel our energies and abilities towards developing the South East to become the economic hub of Nigeria. Igbo nation and my people are great. For us to move forward, we must kill this our individualistic tendencies and come together to do great things.
The fall of Biafra after the genocide, starvation, and immense suffering of my people should teach us something. I believe the failure of the Igbo nation is the fault of the people, her so-called elite and decision makers. Why have we not channelled our energy, capacity and ability into making the South East the Dubai of the nation as well as the engine room of the Nigerian economy? Who would be our leaders when the South East is infested with political power grabbers, ‘419ers’, mindless criminals and looters of our commonwealth and resources? Need I mention names?
Our problem is the lack of men of integrity with progressive mindset. We lack the right kind of leadership that will fight for the interest of the people. The sufferings and poverty of people in the South East is also the sufferings and poverty of people from the other geo-political zones, including my northern brothers. Even the anti-corruption fight has seen all tribes represented. It is therefore insane to begin to think that a people with a problem would suddenly be relieved when they are attached with a tag #BIAFRA.
Therefore, I insist that #OurMumuDonDo, because, the failure of leadership is evident in our agitation for fairness, justice and equality for every Nigerian, not just for every Igbo man. The mind of the typical Igbo leader needs a revolution so that it can be realigned for the interest of the people rather than the interest of a few. Let us focus on our homeland, our states, and begin to demand accountability and responsibility from many of our scammers, riffraffs and fraudsters in the entire nation.
Governor Sule Lamido of Jigawa State was quoted as saying that Nigeria cannot break up because members of the elite are united in preserving their advantages over the masses irrespective of their differences of tribe and religion. What is your take on this?
Straight from the horse’s mouth! It is a candid admission that it is the ‘yahoo yahoo leadership that runs Nigeria’s affairs that have kept the common man squalid, wretched and in hell despite the nation’s enormous oil wealth. We see the ruling elite quarrelling and calling each other bad names. But, it is just a game intended to fool the public. In reality, they are quite united in quietly sharing the money and delivering little or nothing to their various constituencies. See their childrens’ weddings! It is always a show of private jets when the country does not even have a national carrier. They have a stake in keeping the country exactly as it is – weak, confused and easy to exploit.
I dare to ask that we pause on the fantasy tagged ‘Biafra’ for now. Let us dutifully work ourselves back into reckoning, by fighting for fairness, justice and equality for all Nigerians; not Igbos only, Yorubas only or Hausas only, but for all Nigerians.
Read the full interview on Independent.

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