Wednesday 2 August 2017

Man Kills Son To Get Back At Wife Over Divorce

A man has pleaded guilty to the crime of killing his son as a means to get back at his ex-girlfriend.The man, Aramazd Andressian Sr. admitted to killing his 5-year-old son on Tuesday before the court.

According to him, he killed the boy after a family trip to Disneyland just to get back at Ana Estevez, his estranged wife because they were going through a bitter divorce.
The Police sought for the boy’s body for two months after which the body was found on June 30 after investigators repeatedly combed the area surrounding Lake Cachuma in Santa Barbara County.
Police report that it remains unclear how he killed the boy or what linked the father to the boy’s death.
Recall that Andressian Sr. had made national headlines in June when he cracked a joke during his extradition hearing.
Police investigators said his behavior was inconsistent with that of a grieving parent.
However, on Tuesday, Estevez while holding her late son’s ashes broke down in tears surrounded by family members with Andressian Sr., entering the plea to first-degree murder in the Los Angeles County Superior Court in Alhambra.

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