Thursday 2 February 2017

Actor IK Ogbonna's Wife,Sonia Hates One Thing About Nigeria,Tribalism

Sonia Morales Ogbonna, IK Ogbonna’s Columbian wife took to Instagram to reveal what displeases her most about Nigeria.
The mother of one wrote:

“The only thing I ever hated about Nigeria was tribalism. It upsets me deeply. I don’t want my son to grow up thinking that some people are more superior then others simply because they belong to a particular tribe. Secondly,imagine how powerful the whole of Africa would be if there was UNITY! The richest continent in the world! Hey! OUR differences should be OUR selling point not OUR curse. Find Love for one another,because God is Love, no matter how you call or worship Him. Unity = Prosperity. #OneNigeria #OneAfrica #SoniaOgbonna”
See Photo:

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