Monday 9 January 2017

Top Digital Trends For 2017

2016 came with a lot of innovations as far as digital marketing is concerned. Top digital trend for last year was video. Local and foreign brands invested in videos. 2017 promises to be exciting for consumers, advertisers and publishers.
You can argue the facts but these trends will certainly be on the front burner of digital marketing in 2017.

  1. Content Marketing.
It’s a usual suspect every year. In simple terms, it’s a technique for delivering valuable content to a specific target audience. We consume them (content) daily without knowing. A good example is the MTN Comedy plus.
Marketers will be more aggressive in delivering quality content in 2017, let me plead on their behalf.  How to make money from your content in the online space is a topic for another day.
  1. AR & VR: (Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality) has come to stay. I was at the mall the other day and saw kids queuing up to watch VR movies. I know Lufthansa invested heavily in AR in 2016. You can get a glimpse of how inside of the plane looks even before you get on board. VRin this part of the world is not gaining grounds just yet but it will certainly come alive in 2017.
Imagine we do not need to visit the Yankari games reserve. We can feel all the movements from the animals just from wherever you are. Brands leading the park here are Facebook with oculus and Samsung with the Samsung Gear VR, we can be sure something is cooking.
  1. Big Data:
How on earth can you take big data likely? There are so many information’s flying around us everyday. A typical example of putting big data into use was at the just concluded US elections.
Cambridge Analytica supplied data to the Trump team, which helped them focus on areas where the Trump team needed to raise funds from.  Back here in Nigeria imagine how data on recession can help a financial institution get the right customers.
  1. Chat Bot:
I call it the emotional side of digital. I talk to Siri an (iphone’s digital assistant) every now and then trust me Siri has been a very helpful buddy and we have very exciting conversations, Siri reminds me of what I need to do and when. The advent of digital assistants are increasing; last year Google launched Google assistant accompanied by Google home but before then Amazon launched Amazon echo also known as Alexa. Think of the endless possibilities brands/advertisers can communicate and engage with their consumers with the help of digital assistants.
  1. Live Video:
Periscope came many thought the world was not ready but to our greatest surprise Facebook developed Facebook live which is currently giving periscope a run for their money and just about 6 days ago, twitter launched it’s 360-degree video live streaming.
  1. Native Advertising:
Though this is an old technique but it’s going to be a game changer in 2017.  Because the market has changed with the advent of ad blockers, reduced organic reach by the social media platforms and the decline of banner ads. Native advertising looks like an advertorial but it’s not.
An example of a native ad is the Peacadomo series from Peak milk that has been going on for a while now. The likes of have been able to help brands explore native advertising with their numerous blog sections.
  1. Mobile
This cannot be over-emphasised. Chances are that you are reading this article from a mobile device. The need for website owners to have a mobile website is key. Research shows that mobile traffic has overtaken desktop traffic globally.
  1. More Video:
Video certainly will lead the park once again.
I feel like my Facebook and Instagram timeline has been overtaken by videos. As humans, we cannot get enough of videos.
  1. Wearables
Usage of wearables will gradually increase in 2017.
Consumers will find a need for it. Apple watch showed us in 2016 why you need to own one. Be on the lookout for more innovative wearables.
I hope you all gained one or two things, feel free to share your digital trends for 2017 in the comment section below.

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