Thursday 12 January 2017

Single Dad With Terminal Cancer Spent His Last Days Alive Finding A Forster Family For His 4-Year-Old Son

 A single father who lost his battle to terminal cancer last Tuesday spent his final months finding a foster family for his four-year-old son before he died.
According to Daily Mail, Nick Rose, 40, from Paignton in Devon, fought against an aggressive cancer that spread from his bones to his lungs.
Despite being in tremendous pain before his death, he was able to find a forster family in Toquay for his son, Logan.

According to friends, the boy’s mother hadn’t been around since he was young.
One of Mr Rose’s close friends, Aaron Crompton, 24, who looked after Logan while Nick was in the final months of his battle said he put his son above everything else.
He said, “Nothing came before Logan. Everything was a joke – he made a joke about everything, even the cancer.
“He was such a good bloke. He had cancer before and had to have parts of his tongue taken out.
“Nick hadn’t lived down here for long but was well-liked. I had only known him for 18 months.
“He was in so much pain by the end of it.
“At the beginning he was making jokes about it to cheer people up but by the end, he was in agony. But Logan was his life.”
Mr Compton’s sister, Amy, 24, who has set up a fundraising page, for Nick’s burial said, “Nick tried to stay strong for his son for as long as possible, he very bravely arranged for his little boy to go to a foster family after he passed.
“My brother helped with his care, and it was so nice to give Nick and Logan the perfect final Christmas.
“Nick had been in contact with solicitors about his funeral, but no funds had been put in place. I contacted his cousin, and she said that she was struggling to get the money together so I decided to start the JustGiving page.
“Although Nick had only lived in Foxhole for around three years, he was extremely well-known and loved.
“I am trying to raise as much as I can to give him the best send-off possible. Nick was an amazing person and dad to Logan.
“Many people knew him and have only had good words to say about him. He will be missed by many.”
The Cromptons said that any leftovers from the £3,500 fundpage will be used to buy new school uniforms for Logan.

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