Friday, 18 November 2016

Celebrity Luxury Apartments: The Obamas Will Live In This $5.3million Mansion After The White House

President Obama and his family will not be too far from the White House as they will be resuming their post-presidential lifestyle in a Washington mansion 3km away from their current abode.
The decision to remain in Washington is fueled by family demands and we totally understand. Sasha Obama is in high school till 2018 and the rest of the family will not leave her to be on her own while they all move away to their own home in Chicago.

So, they are renting this $5.3million mansion from John Lockhart, former press secretary and senior adviser to former President Bill Clinton.
The home is located in Kalorama, a residential but quiet neighbourhood within the Northwest Quadrant of Washingon D.C.
The 761 sq m brick Tudor mansion was built in 1928 and boasts of nine bedrooms and eight-and-a-half bathrooms, a terrace, a courtyard and can park 10 cars conveniently.
Enough talk now, see all the jaw-dropping photos of this gorgeous luxury our beloved Obamas will be living in come January next year.

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